- Simplify and automate interoperability to reduce costs and errors
- Gain critical insights on business processes and performance
- Shield processes from change impacts
- Promote agility and manageability
- Integrate to eliminate redundancy
- Automate your business interactions with partners
- Built-in components for rapid development of RFID solutions
- Single, comprehensive parameter settings dashboard for efficient performance tuning and streamlining deployments across environments
- Efficient B2B integration with scalable trading partner management and advanced capabilities for complex data mapping
- Secure FTP with FTPS adapter and an improved FTP adapter
- Updated industry protocol adapters
- Enhancements to the IBM hosts systems adapters
BizTalk hjälper dig att föra samman information från alla olika delar av affärsprocessen, och erbjuder dig större kontroll och överblick. BizTalk kommer fungera som navet i ditt företags informationshantering. Allt du behöver för en enkel installation är inkluderat.